Master Export – Internacionalização dos setores da Metalomecânica e do Habitat
Closing Session of the Master Export Project took place on March 24th , organized by AECA – Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca, an event hosted at the premises of the Municipality of Vale de Cambra in a hybrid format
Missão Empresarial Inversa
Within the scope of the “Master Export” project, of which the Águeda Business Association (AEA) is promoting in partnership with the Cambra and Arouca Business Association (AECA), within the scope of Portugal 2020, specifically, the Support System for Collective Actions
Missão de Prospeção do Mercado a França – Master Export
Master Export – Internationalization of the Metalworking and Habitat clusters As part of the “MasterExport” project, which the Cambra and Arouca Business Association (AECA) is promoting in partnership with the Águeda Business Association (AEA), a prospecting mission market to France, organized
Master Export Sessão de Encerramento
A AEA tem vindo a desenvolver vários projetos destinados a apoiar os principais setores de atividade económica da região, face à relevância regional dos mesmos no nosso tecido empresarial. Este projeto, promovido pela Associação Empresarial de Águeda (AEA) em cooperação com
Actividades na Missão Empresarial à Polónia com a Câmara Comércio Polónia-Portugal
Several activities were carried out during this Business Mission, which had the cooperation of the Poland-Portugal Chamber of Commerce. Meetings with companies from the Metalomecânica and Habitat clusters, as well as a visit to the "Industry Week Fair – International Fair
Master Export em Missão Empresarial na Polónia
Master Export was on a business mission in Poland from the 8th to the 10th of November. Here is the note made on the Poland - Portugal Chamber of Commerce website about the activities carried out on this visit.
Entrevista Master Export: Missão Empresarial no Luxemburgo
Interview Master Export: business mission to Luxembourg to BOM DIA Portugal no Mundo, with Carlos Brandão (AECA), Óscar Mendes (AEA) and Adriano Fidalgo (Astrolábio):
Master Export no Luxembourg
The Master Export project carried out one of its business mission with a visit to Luxembourg. The visit includes several contacts with the embassy and other local entities, as can be seen in the news published in the newspaper "Bom Dia". You
Notícia publicada no site do "Bom Dia" relativa à visita ao Luxemburgo do projecto "Master Export"
BOM DIA is an online newspaper dedicated to covering the news of Portuguese communities around the world, with emphasis on the six European countries with the largest Portuguese presence: Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland. As part of the
Novas Actividades Master Export
Due to the situation we have been living with the pandemic, which has greatly affected the activity in Europe, and in order to continue the project in a dynamic and effective way, allowing for the continuation of closer ties and