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The 1st Conference “Internationalization of Metalworking and Habitat: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities” took place in the late afternoon of November 18th, organized by AECA - Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca, in collaboration with ISAG / EBS (Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão / European Business School) and Astrolábio, Orientação SA, within the scope of the Master Export project, in webinar format

If you did not have the opportunity to attend the 1st Master Export Conference under the theme "Internationalization of Metalworking and Habitat - trends, challenges and opportunities", watch the full video here. In the Info / Docs - Information and Training tab, you can also download the presentations made available by the participants in this which was the first of the conferences organized

On the 9th of December, the 2nd Master Export Conference will be held under the theme - "International Supply Chain". Organized by AEA - Associação Empresarial de Águeda, in partnership with the Habitat Center - University of Aveiro, it will take place on the University Campus, but will be broadcast entirely online on a platform to be released soon. All those interested in attending

The 1st Master Export Conference was held yesterday under the theme INTERNATIONALIZATION OF METALOMECHANICS AND HABITAT: TRENDS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. An organization from AECA - Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca, in collaboration with ISAG and Astrolábio, was transmitted through a digital platform, adapting to the current pandemic situation experienced in the country. With the participation of an extended panel that covered the following

With an online format, the 1st Master Export Conference will be held in 18th of November, between 17:00 and 19:00. With the theme announced earlier  - INTERNATIONALIZATION OF METALOMECHANICS AND HABITAT: TRENDS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES, organized by AECA – Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca, in collaboration with ISAG and Astrolábio, within the scope of the Master Export project, in webinar format on the zoom platform. The speakers and

The 1st Master Export Conference, under the theme "Metalworking and habitat internationalization - trends, challenges and opportunities", will take place on the 3rd of November. Held in a hybrid format (on-line and in person), in order to give everyone the opportunity to participate, given the current circumstances, it will count on the presence of a set of speakers who will address the themes

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